Blomstrand camp – The second base camp
The base camp on the Kongsfjord
The second base camp owes its name to the Blomstrand glacier, which lies to the east, in the area of Kongsfjord, right in front of the settlement Ny-Ålesund.
We walk from the beach to the big kitchen tent. We are right on the coast, in a beautiful bay, with ice in front of us.
The kitchen tent is a sort of wooden structure with a door. Inside, in the middle is a paraffin stove. On the right you have some wooden tables and benches, which are better made than the forniture at the first camp. On the left you have some gas stoves.

Tents can be reached by crossing a wooden footbridge next to a pipe with drinking water. The tents, one behind the other, are placed in a higher position than the beach.
From here you can take a path leading to the gents which have a view on the glacier. Here you do not have any privacy.
Women’s toilette can be reached following a sort of path beyond the kitchen tent. The toilette lies behind a small hill inside a wooden shelter.
The place is magnificent. There is no snow at the camp, just sand and cobblestones. The night wind keeps blowing pieces of ice ashore offering us a unique show.
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